divendres, 25 de març del 2011

Relaxation in the Sea and in the forest

Stand in a comfortable position, if you can… We down in a mattress with your arms comfortable outstretched at your sides, your legs lie down, with your foods open towards out, with a relaxation disposition… Close your eyes.. and feel your breathing calm.
We’re going to realize a easy relaxation exercise:
Right now you must take conscience of your breathing… Don’t change absolute it, only look like your breathing, don’t identification with the process, you must realize without thinking, with the same way like you’d look at the movement of the flame of a candle.
Look your breathing… Don’t change it, takes conscience that something breath in you, don’t hard you breathing, breathing and feel in calm, breathing and feel in peace.
You’re going to think about on object and color, you’re going to receive basic indications, but you can add what you wish because you can think better.
We’re going to start to look a green field… with the green that you must like… look a extension green grass that is to extend with a nearly forest… you look the green grass… the green reflex to the sun on the field.. stretch out your eyes to the forest and you see the leaves of the possible colors… it’s relaxant.. the sun is reflex to the green leaves of the trees and it form on your eyes a delicate myriad green that it reflect between create a three-dimensional space of color green.. it’s beautiful and you enjoy… breath relax, feel the oxygen that make the trees of the forest, you find breathing an air feel of oxygen that produce a relaxation… listen the whisper that produce the air to pass between the leaves to the trees, it’s relaxation, listen the sound of the wind in the leaves and I relax… I stay seconds look the green field, the old trees, their beautiful leaves… and feel my breathing…
Look the breath… without to moody, take conscience to something breathing in yours, don’ts cost work breathing, breath and feel the relaxation and you feel the peace.
In this moment, you’re going to think about a beach with golden san, is the type of san that you like and it has a cool color down the sun to enjoy it when you see it. I like this beach, think about it, look at the horizon and you see a blue and calm sea that it move with gentle. At the border, where slowly the wave is broke.
You think about the beach and the best blue sea, the golden san. You stiff at the san and you enjoy it a lot when you touch the hot san. The energy of the sun come into your back and it relax you, and you like it a lot. It’s a very delicious sensation, the blue sky without clouds.
The noise of the wind of the leaves that the trees are in your behind. The sun come into my arms and it heart at the same time that they are touching the san that relax you. The san heats your chest and your legs. The legs are touching the sun and it relaxes you.
I hear the rhythmic and balanced sound of the waves seem to sway in the tranquil blue sea... Under this beautiful blue sky ... I hear the sound of wind in the leaves of the trees ... smell the salt smell of the blue sea... I become aware of my body resting relaxed... more relaxed.
I become aware of this consciousness quiet, relaxing, full of peace and tranquility…
I am preparing to leave the exercise... Retaining all the benefits conscious or unconscious brings me... We slowly 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... open and close the hands slowly becoming aware of the small joints of the fingers.... air volume with more intensity ... making a deep breath... And open my eyes.... Preserving the state of relaxation and calm that I have achieved with this relaxation exercise.

Nara, Laia, Elena, Judit.

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