diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009

Autumn in Chorzelow

Today we invite you for a walk around our village: there is the gothic church, the school and the schoolyard where we practise sports when it is sunny. You can also see green hedges in various shapes that make our gardens marvelous to visit!

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Brydzia, Asia, Daria, Ala, Paulina, Martyna S, Martyna C, Dominika, Sylwia K, Sylwia M, Maria, Asia K, Ola, Paweł, Bartek, Szymon, Kamil and Kamil are talking about themselves – It was a hard time to make a speech in front of the video camera but we managed through. Hope you get “our English”…

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Group of Schools

Take a look at the place where we spend a lot of time together. There is also a playground for younger children.

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dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009

Lessons in our school

Hi friends!
This is our school and some lessons with the teachers. The first class is the sociual studies with Mrs Renata, then history classes, geography, compuer studies, science, school canteen, music teacher performs for you!!! with a group of pupils. Then we are having Polish classes with Mrs Lidia - our project teacher!!! Then we are going along the corridor where we have tables for tennis; then biology lesson and physical education - here is the Comenius group playing in the gymnasium - just having fun! Best wishes! Hear from you soon, Agnes and Lidia

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dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009

The Podkarpackie voivodeship

Hi buddies !!!

We would like to show You a short movie about our beautiful region - Subcarpation. Take a close look and enjoy it !!!


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Hi our Spanish friends !!!

Our new website is available now so follow us and visit www.hyhe.comenius.czajen.pl.
We are waiting there for You and your comments!!!

Greetingds :)


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dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Videos. Our Stadium

INTRODUCTION ENGLISH : Our football Stadium This is our football stadium, in Santa Coloma de Queralt, our town is very little but we have got a big stadium. In Santa Coloma, the children, only can play two sports; basketball or football. In basketball there are more girls than boys, but a lot of boys play football, with different ages, but some girls play too. We are very happy because is very funny looking your friends playing sports.

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videos. Sta Maria de Bell-lloc

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divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

videos. Our Institute

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divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009

Videos. The main square of Santa Coloma

Main Square
Laia, Judit and Nara are in Main Square. They are talking about the things that they do in Main Square. They said: “In Main Square there is the Town Hall. Here, on Monday, we celebrate the market”. In the afternoon, children go to Main Square and play with their friends. Laia, Judit and Nara are very satisfied of their Main Square

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divendres, 6 de novembre del 2009

The polish students photo

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This is the catalan group.

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Opened Blog

Welcome to our blog. We're going to work during two years talking about health, traditions and sports.

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